Loss Prevention 25 Oct, 2023

Neptune - Bunker Info tab updates

Dmitry Kisil
Dmitry Kisil
Senior Loss Prevention Officer

Overview of European off-specs. Over the last six months, HFO delivered in European ports frequently deviated from specification on viscosity and density. In some cases, the density has exceeded 1,000 kg/m3, which is expected to cause problems for conventional purifiers.

It’s worth noting that the maximum sulphur content in European HFO deliveries has been 3.78%. Since HFO is used by ships equipped with Exhaust Gas Cleaning systems, the sulphur content must meet EGCS maker requirements in order to comply with Sulphur Dioxide emission regulations.

VLSFO delivered in Europe has been relatively trouble-free. Cat fines content in bunkers in Hamburg was found to be off specification in 9% of samples. However, maximum reported content was 68 ppm, which well-maintained purifiers should be able to reduce to acceptable levels.

ULSFO bunkers have been more problematic. They frequently failed on Pour Point, but viscosity, sulphur content, and water content also caused issues.

MGO supplies in Europe have generally met specifications during the months from May to October.

Check the bunker quality info tab on Neptune.

For detailed information, please contact Loss Prevention Department.