In a nutshell: Defence Guides
Our, free to read, book contains a curated collection of Defence guides on a wide variety of topics. From regulatory compliance to risk management strategies, our comprehensive guides cover every aspect of maritime operations.
The aim of this book is to provide a clear and concise summary to the shipping industry regarding the most common charterparty disputes.
To many owners and charterers, the law surrounding these disputes may appear complicated and difficult to understand. This book is, therefore, primarily aimed at making what appear to be complex legal issues, easily understandable by breaking down each subject to its core principles, and explaining them in a simple, clear and non-legalistic manner.
This book is principally authored by Julien Rabeux with assistance from Eugene Cheng.
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Find out more about Defence cover
Our Defence Cover insures legal costs and other expenses in pursuing or defending claims in respect of entered vessels across a wide range of disputes. It also provides a commercially focussed in-house legal advisory service to owner and charterer Members.