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Crane Slewing Gear Maintenance and Rocking Tests Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (1.5 MB)
Aluminium Phosphide Fumigation Fire and Explosion Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (249.4 KB)
Recently the Club has experienced several fires and explosions in cargo holds on-board bulk carriers where aluminium phosphide tablets had been applied to fumigate agricultural products. This Loss Prevention Bulletin addresses the fumigation process, problems encountered and precautionary measures that should be taken.
Cargo Ventilation and Precautions to Minimise Sweat Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (411.7 KB)
Guidance on the theory behind the formation of cargo and ship sweat and the monitoring and ventilation measures required in order to prevent its formation
Bunkering Procedures Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (731 KB)
Best practice, recommendations, loading plan and checklist
Inaccuracies in Draught Surveys Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (192.2 KB)
The Club regularly receives claims arising from alleged shortages of cargo as a result of discrepancies between draught survey results. The purpose of this Loss Prevention Bulletin is to remind deck officers of the principal sources of errors which may affect the survey results, such that they can be taken into account when shortages in the cargo are found.
STS Transfer Operations - Incidents Resulting in Contact Damage Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (193.4 KB)
Instances of contact damage during STS operations involving entered vessels have been increasing recently. This Alert highlights the principal causes of recent incidents, and focusses on the safeguards that should be considered to reduce the likelihood of contact damage occurring during STS operations.
Stowaways Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (479.4 KB)
Advice to shore managers and seagoing personnel on the perennial problem of stowaways; detailing the high risk areas, measures to help prevent boarding, the conduct of stowaway searches, stowaway hiding places and dealing with stowaways.
The Carriage of Soya Beans in Bulk Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (850 KB)
Soya beans are typically carried in bulk, and due to the nature of the product claims for damage are frequently encountered, as well as occasional shortage claims. This Loss Prevention Bulletin addresses the particular characteristics of soya beans and the precautionary measures that should be taken to achieve a sound outturn of this cargo.