The Resource hub - enabling you to navigate to key documents and guides.
Early redelivery in a nutshell Claims - Defence, Guide / Guide / PDF (168.2 KB)
Early redelivery in a nutshell
Repudiatory Breach & Non-payment of hire Claims - Defence, Guide / Guide / PDF (256.2 KB)
Repudiatory Breach & Non-payment of hire: when can owners cancel a charter party
Natural Fibre Rope Ladders - Care and Maintenance Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (613.5 KB)
Guidance covering the properties, stowage and care of natural fibre rope pilot ladders, embarkation ladders and Jacobs ladders, including inspection and maintenance regimes, and replacement criteria
P&I Guidelines - Практическое руководство для экипажей судов – Буклет Loss Prevention, P&I Guidelines / P&I Guidelines / PDF (292.5 KB)
P and I Guidelines Russian
Radar Best Practice - ARPA Usage Part 2 Poster, Radar Best Practice / Poster / PDF (1.9 MB)
Radar Best Practice - ARPA Usage Part 2
Monkeys Fists on Heaving Lines - Use of Inappropriate Weighting Material Bulletin, Loss Prevention / Bulletin / PDF (629.1 KB)
The hazards associated with using additional weighting material in monkey's fists and adding heavy weights to the end of heaving lines.
Radar Best Practice - Setting Up A Radar Poster, Radar Best Practice / Poster / PDF (1.8 MB)
Radar Best Practice - Setting Up A Radar