Notices to Members

No. 16 2010/2011 - WestNet - Members' On-Line Data Portal

September 2010

Dear Sirs

WestNet – Members’ On-Line Data Portal

The Managers are pleased to announce the launch of WestNet, an on-line data portal that enables Members and brokers to view and analyse their entry-related data at any time.

Accessed via the Association’s website (www.westpandi.com), WestNet provides real time access for Members and brokers to data such as claims listings and triangulations, vessel details, loss ratios and statements. Data can be viewed on-line and downloaded in .pdf and Excel formats.

Members and brokers should register for access to WestNet by going to the web page and following the simple process on screen. Any questions should be referred to your usual contact at the Managers.

A new website has also been developed with enhanced functionality and a fresh design which is reflected across all the Club's publications.

Yours faithfully
For: West of England Insurance Services
        (Luxembourg) S.A.

(As Managers)


A Paulson