
Annual Cocktail Reception in Singapore

Our Singapore office held its Annual Cocktail Reception on 13th November at the Lantern Rooftop, Fullerton Bay Hotel in Singapore.

The reception was attended by many high profile Club Members and business partners. Among those present at the Cocktail Reception were X-Press Feeders, Euronav, Fednav, Eagle Bulk, Lighthouse Navigation, MSC, PCL, Tata NYK, Rhodium Resources, Spica, C Solutions, Aon, Marsh JLT, Latitude Brokers, RKH Specialty, Tigermar, Willis Towers Watson, Wilson Europe and the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore.

We are delighted that so many of our valued Members and business partners were able to attend the reception. The West’s Singapore office has built many strong relationships since it opened and our annual Cocktail Reception is always a great opportunity for us all to catch up and relax together.