Indonesian Crude Iron Ore
Loss Prevention Bulletin
Marine consultants Brookes Bell have advised the Club of cargoes being offered for loading at the Indonesian port of Sampit which are described as being either “crude iron ore” or “iron ore” and declared by shippers as Group C cargo (a cargo which is neither liable to liquefy nor to possess chemical hazards).
However, when samples were tested at a laboratory in the United Kingdom it was found that the product was in fact Group A cargo (a cargo which may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of its Transportable Moisture Limit (TML)). For the samples in question, the moisture content exceeded both the TML and the Flow Moisture Point (FMP) and the cargoes could not be accepted for carriage in accordance with the IMSBC Code. Although presented for shipment from the same port, the cargoes differed in particle size and distribution, indicating that they originated from different sources and/ or were produced in a different manner.
In addition to the cargo being misdeclared, no information was provided by the shippers regarding the FMP and TML of the cargo. Moreover, it is understood that there is no suitable testing laboratory in the area capable of deter- mining the FMP and TML.
There have also been recent industry reports of similarly misdeclared cargoes of iron ore fines being offered for loading at other Indonesian ports including Padang and Lhoong in Sumatra and Sebuku Island off Kalimantan.

Based on the laboratory findings, cargoes from Indonesia described as “crude iron ore” or “iron ore” should be regarded as being iron ore fines. They should be carried strictly in accordance with the requirements for Group A car- goes as set out in the IMSBC Code necessitating a valid decla- ration of TML and moisture con- tent from the shippers prior to loading. Members are advised to be cautious if offered such car- goes and to contact the Club for advice before fixing or in the event of any doubts.
If Members require any further information they should contact the Loss Prevention Department.
The Club would like to thank Brookes Bell for the information forming the basis of this Safety Alert.