Argentina: New Regulation In Respect Of Asian Gypsy Moth 2019 | West P&I Club
The Club has been advised that the Argentinian National Service for Health and Agrifood Quality (SENASA) is finalising approval and issuance of a resolution to establish control measures in respect of Asian Gypsy Moth.

Similar to the regulations in effect in a number of other countries this will be based on so called “flight seasons” and “high risk” ports and the need to obtain a phytosanitary certificate if within a proscribed area during the flight season. Note that all ports in China are included, not just Northern China, as is the case in most other countries with similar legislation, except Chile. Failure to comply with the requirements will lead to inspection upon arrival and possible fines.
The new regulation is planned to enter into force 90 days after publication in the Official Bulletin. Members are advised to obtain a phytosanitary certificate if within one of the areas during flight season.
Members requiring further guidance are advised to contact the Loss Prevention department.