Argentina - New Provisions on Ballast Water Management Suspended
Further to our News Item of 21 April 2017 concerning new ballast water regulations in Argentina, our representatives Pandi Liquidadores have advised that implementation of the regulations has been suspended. They comment that:
“Due to the general complaints of the industry and the lack of clarity as to the extent and application of the aforementioned resolution, the Authorities are reviewing the matter. In addition, the Ministry of Health decided to close the Sanitary Unit at San Lorenzo port (only entity who attempted to implement the resolution so far), thereafter, the chlorinating / certificates are no longer being requested.
For the time being, the general suggestion issued by Centro de Navegacion (agents’ chamber) is not to chlorinate until the matter is officially clarified by the Authorities.
Summing up, whilst Resolution 85-E/2017 remains in force – until the entrance into force of the BWM Convention – same it is not being implemented and the Owners are suggested not to perform said chlorinating process until further notice.
The usual ballast regulation shall be complied as per Coastguards’ regulations.”
We are most grateful to Pandi Liquidadores for this update.
Members will be kept advised of developments but should further guidance be required they should contact the Loss Prevention department