News 11 Jul, 2013

Gabon - New Cargo Documentation Regulations

Club correspondents Eltvedt & O’Sullivan, Marseille have advised the Club of the introduction of new regulatory requirements covering the export of goods to Gabon.

The new system commenced on 5 July 2013 and exporters have been granted a 12 week period of grace in which to comply. However, as from 1 October 2013 all goods shipped to Gabon will need to comply with the requirements of the Gabonese Conformity Assessment Programme (PROGEC).

The purpose of the new programme is to ensure that goods destined for Gabon meet applicable international, national and regional standards in order to protect the environment of Gabon and the safety and health of its citizens. Certain goods are excluded from PROGEC requirements.

Exporters sending non-excluded goods to Gabon will be required to obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) for all consignments arriving in Gabon on or after the 1 October 2013. Intertek has been appointed to provide the Certificates of Conformity on behalf of the Gabonese Authorities. In order to obtain a CoC, exporters must complete a Request for Certification and submit it along with supporting documentation to the regional Intertek office with responsibility for the exporting country at their own expense.

In order for Customs clearance to be granted, an original CoC will be required for each consignment of goods destined for Gabon for presenting to the Customs authorities. If an original CoC cannot be produced for a particular shipment, there may be long delays coupled with financial penalties. In such an event the goods may be ordered back to their country of origin. Members accepting cargoes for Gabon are therefore advised to obtain confirmation from the exporters that they are familiar with the new regulations and will comply with them.

For further details on PROGEC, please see Intertek’s Exporter and Importer Guidelines and Intertek’s webpage: Certificate of Conformity for Exports to Gabon.