Loss Prevention 12 Jan, 2024

Ecuador - Ports Under Heightened Security Measures Following Recent Unrest

Dean Crossley
Dean Crossley
Loss Prevention Manager

In the aftermath of the recent criminal gang attacks on civilians and government targets in Ecuador, the country has declared a State of Emergency to address the escalating situation. Although the initial moments were tense, a semblance of moderate calm now prevails in major cities after the President of Ecuador took decisive action.

The Club’s Local Correspondent, Ecuapandi S.A, informed us that in response to the crisis, the National Directorate of Aquatic Spaces has implemented changes in the security levels of the nation's ports. Effective immediately, the level of protection has been raised from Level 1 to Level 2. This adjustment, in accordance with the Ship and Port Facility Security Code, involves the enforcement of additional protection measures for a specified period due to an elevated risk of events impacting maritime security.

Despite the turmoil, no attacks have been reported against any port facilities within Ecuadorian territory. Nevertheless, given the heightened security situation, vessels approaching Ecuadorian ports are strongly advised to exercise caution. Ship crews are urged to implement relevant security protocols to ensure the safety of all onboard. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended to limit or avoid visits to towns unless absolutely necessary.

For Members with vessels scheduled to call at ports in Ecuador, it is crucial to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to mitigate potential risks during this challenging period. We recommend staying in touch with your local protective agent to stay updated on the latest situation.

Members requiring further guidance should contact the Loss Prevention Department.