Port State Control to Clampdown on Non-compliant Fuels
As the ban on the carriage of non-compliant fuel oil (≤0.5% m/m sulphur) on board vessels not fitted with an exhaust gas scrubber (EGS) came into effect on 1st March 2020, Paris, Tokyo and Indian Ocean MoU have each issued a reminder that compliance with the IMO requirements is both absolute and without exception.
The Authorities have previously been working collaboratively to ensure that ship owners and ship managers are fully aware that Port State Control (PSC) inspections will be carried out to ensure full compliance. All ships not fitted with an EGS have been prohibited from burning non-compliant fuel since 1st January 2020, although its carriage for combustion purposes is also prohibited from 1st March 2020.
PSC inspections will
be carried out in accordance with the IMO’s Guidelines for PSC under MARPOL Annex
VI, Chapter 3.

In circumstances where compliant fuel cannot be obtained, a Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report (FONAR) must be submitted to the flag State and the Competent Authority at the first available port of call.
Further details on this topic can be found on our dedicated Global Sulphur Cap 2020 web-page. However, it should be remembered that a FONAR is not an exemption from the mandated MARPOL fuel oil sulphur limit requirements.
Members requiring further guidance are advised to contact the Loss Prevention department.