Notices to Members

No. 4 - Ship Survey and Audit Companion

June 2000

Dear Sirs

Ship Survey and Audit Companion

In association with The Nautical Institute, the Club has produced a book titled the Ship Survey and Audit Companion. Written by marine surveyor Mr Walter Vervloesem, the book gives extensive guidance regarding the inspection of machinery and equipment aboard ship and includes useful advice on the principles of safety management. The Club’s loss prevention department was actively involved in its preparation.

Operating a ship in today’s competitive environment is increasingly demanding in terms of the growing number of regulatory and commercial requirements. These often involve surveys or audits, and the rectification of any defects or non-conformities may result in delays - particularly if there are safety implications. To minimise the likelihood of such oversights, detailed checklists may be used by shipboard personnel to assist them when carrying out routine inspections.

In this respect the Ship Survey and Audit Companion will almost certainly be of interest to shore management and seafarers alike. The book contains 140 different examples of checklists, allowing users to identify and adapt any, which they consider to be of importance. To aid this process the book is accompanied by a CD-ROM disk from which selected checklists may be downloaded. However, checklists should always be tailored to company requirements reflecting the type of vessel, trade or operation in question. Similarly, to avoid the possibility of over-dependence, check lists should not be used to excess.

The retail cost of the package is £90, and each Member will receive a complimentary copy. Additional copies are available to Members at the concessionary price of £60 and may be ordered using the attached form.

Yours faithfully
The West of England Ship Owners
Insurance Services

(As Managers)

M W H Williams