Notices to Members

No. 2 - New Compulsory Insurance Requirements in Australian Waters

March 2001

Dear Sirs

New Compulsory Insurance Requirements in Australian Waters

Members should be aware that new Compulsory Insurance requirements for non-tankers are about to come into force in Australia. Details are available at the website of the AMSA - http://www.amsa.gov.au on the Marine Notices page (see Marine Notice number 3 for 2001). If you have used this page before, you may need to use the refresh button to see the latest changes.

From 6th April ships of 400gt or more (excluding tankers covered by CLC Certificates) will be required to carry a relevant insurance certificate containing the following information:

  1. the name of the ship
  2. the name of the ship&rsquot;s owner
  3. the name and address of the insurer
  4. the commencement date of the insurance
  5. the amount of cover which must in any event not be less than the limit of liability under LLMC (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976).

The relevant insurance certificate will need to be produced during Port State Control inspections and by the Australian Customs Service on entering or leaving Australian ports.

A six month period of grace will be allowed before full enforcement action is undertaken: ships without sufficient documentation on board will be given a warning until 5th September 2001. Thereafter ships will be detained until the required documentation is produced.

A Club Certificate of Entry will be accepted as a relevant insurance certificate and AMSA officials have indicated that although the Notice requires that the amount of cover be set out in the Certificate of Entry, if a dollar amount is not set out a reference to the relevant revisions of the Club Rules will be sufficient. Club cover will need to extend at least to the current limit of liability provided under the 1976 Convention as amended.

AMSA officials have also indicated that although an original or certified copy will need to be produced, a fax or photocopy will be acceptable for up to a month after the anniversary date of 20 February each year.

Please contact the managers if you need further information.

Yours faithfully

The West of England Ship Owners
Insurance Services Limited

(As Managers)

C A G Havers