Notices to Members

No. 11 2007/2008 - Extraordinary General Meeting held on 5 December 2007

January 2008

Dear Sirs

CLASS 1 - Extraordinary General Meeting held on 5 December 2007

We confirm that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Class 1 Members was duly held on Wednesday, 5 December 2007, as follows:

Alterations to the Association's Class 1 Rules
The Resolutions to adopt the proposed alterations to the Class 1 Rules, as set out in the Notice to Class 1 Members No. 7 2007/2008 dated November 2007, were passed unanimously.

CLASS 2 - Extraordinary General Meeting held on 5 December 2007

We confirm that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Class 2 Members was duly held on Wednesday, 5 December 2007, as follows:

Alterations to the Association's Class 2 Rules
The Resolution to adopt the proposed alteration to the Class 2 Rules, as set out in the Notice to Class 2 Members No. 8 2007/2008 dated November 2007, was passed unanimously.

The alterations will take effect from noon GMT on 20 February 2008.

If you require any further information on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the Association's Managers.

Yours faithfully
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual
Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

Philip A Aspden
General Manager