Notices to Members

No. 15 2020/2021 - Amendment of the Constitution

November 2020

Dear Sirs,

NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting of the Members of the Association will be held on 18 December 2020 at 9AM (CET) by Video Conference for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following SPECIAL Resolution: 


THAT the Constitution of Association be amended under Article 6, Paragraph 6.1, as set out below (with text changes as marked in red verbatim in attachment):

English version:

6.1 The insurance business of the Association shall consist of the following classes:

Class 1, being cover against protection and indemnity and other risks;

Class 2, being freight, demurrage and defence cover;

Class 3, being cover against all kinds of financial and economic losses in relation to maritime trade, commerce or business ;

together with such other or further classes as the Members may by Special Resolution from time to time determine, provided that any proposed addition, deletion or alteration to the classes of insurance business of the Association shall be notified to the competent Luxembourg authorities and any necessary consents in this context are obtained.

French translation (traduction française):

6.1 Les activités d’assurance de l’Association recouvrent les catégories (ou Classes) suivantes :

Classe 1, qui couvre la responsabilité civile (Protection and Indemnity) et autres risques ;

Classe 2, qui couvre le fret, les surestaries et la défense juridique (Freight, Demurrage & Defence) ;

Classe 3, qui couvre les pertes économiques et financières en relation avec le commerce et l’activité maritime ;

ainsi que toute autre classe ou catégorie supplémentaire que les Membres pourront définir, le cas échéant, par Résolution spéciale, à condition que tout ajout, suppression ou modification aux Classes d’assurance de l’Association soit notifié(e) aux autorités luxembourgeoises compétentes et que toutes les autorisations nécessaires à cet égard soient obtenues.

THAT authority be given to Mr Thierry Brevet, General Manager and Secretary, to arrange for the Association's Constitution to be amended at an Extraordinary General Meeting before a Notary and to take all necessary steps required by Luxembourg Law to validly register said Constitution.

By Order of the Board

Thierry Brevet
General Manager & Secretary

31 Grand Rue
L-1661 Luxembourg
G.D. Luxembourg

Proxy votes:

  • A Member entitled to attend the Meeting and vote can appoint a proxy, who do need to be a Member of the Association, to attend and to vote on his behalf.
  • The completed and duly signed form appointing the proxy shall be sent to the General Manager & Secretary at mail@westpandi.com not less than three (3) clear days before the Meeting.

Video conference details:
Details to connect to the video conference on 18 December will be provided upon request at mail@westpandi.com .

Yours faithfully

For: West of England Insurance Services (Luxembourg) S.A.
(As Managers)

T Brevet
General Manager & Secretary