No.7 2022/2023 - Condition Surveys - Tankers Which Have Carried Heavy Fuel Oil As Cargo

July 2022
As in previous years and in accordance with International Group practice, the Club is required to carry out condition surveys of seagoing tankers aged 10 years or more if they carried heavy fuel oil (HFO) as cargo during the previous policy year unless the ship: - has undergone a P&I Club condition survey during the previous 12 months; or
- has undergone a class Special Survey during the previous 6 months; or
- is currently rated as CAP 1 or CAP 2 by an IACS classification society.
All Members with an oil tanker entered should complete the attached declaration.
For those tankers which did not carry HFO during this period, or if they did carry HFO but were under 10 years of age (for the reporting period), page 1 only should be completed and returned to this effect.
If a tanker continues to carry HFO as cargo in successive years, the Club is not obliged to carry out an annual condition survey. However, the ship will need to be re-examined at least once every three years, or more frequently at the Club’s discretion.
The definition of HFO to be used for the purpose of the annual declaration is: A residual fuel with a kinematic viscosity of 380 centistrokes or greater when measured at 50 degrees Celsius by Test Method ISO 3104. This definition is intended to exclude intermediate fuel oils and heavy crudes, as well as bitumen and tar.
Members affected by this Notice are asked to submit their declarations to the Loss Prevention Department as soon as possible, but not later than 30 September 2022. Any Members who do not return their declaration by the date stated on the form may be required to submit their vessels for survey.
Annual declaration form
CARRIAGE OF HEAVY FUEL OIL (HFO) AS CARGO Tankers which carried HFO during the period 20 Feb 2021 to 19 Feb 2022
Download hereYours faithfully
For: West of England Insurance Services (Luxembourg) S.A.
(As Managers)
S G Parrott