Notices to Members
No.6 2024/25 - Annual General Meeting and updates to the Club's Privacy and professional secrecy policy

Olivier Le Bescond
General Manager
17 June 2024
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg) (hereafter “The Association”) will be held at the Hotel Le Royal, 12 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, on 9 July 2024 at 13.00 hours (CET) for the following purpose:
- To approve the Report of the Directors and the audited Financial Statements for the year ended 20 February 2024 and to grant discharge to the Directors and Auditor for the year under review.
- To elect Directors and Member’ Committee members.
- To re-appoint Deloitte Audit Société à Responsabilité Limitée as Auditor of the Association and to fix their remuneration.
- To transact any other ordinary business of the Association.
The audited Financial Statements for the year ended 20 February 2024 are available on request.
Members entitled to attend and vote may address a proxy appointment form (in attachment), nominating the Chairman or another person. Members may as well vote using a voting form (in attachment). Proxy appointment forms and voting forms need be sent to the General Manager ( not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Meeting.
NOTICE is also given that the Association’s Privacy and Professional Secrecy Policy, available on the Association’s website here, was updated to reflect the Association’s legal obligations to disclose the nature and location of data shared with external service providers, including but not limited to the Association’s subsidiaries, in the context of the Luxembourg professional secrecy rule. These changes will be deemed to have been approved by each Member unless the latter sends a written objection to the Association by registered letter within sixty (60) working days of the notification at “The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)”, 31 Grand Rue, L-1661 Luxembourg, G.D. Luxembourg.
Yours faithfully,
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)
Olivier Le Bescond
General Manager
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