News 25 May, 2018

Bangladesh - Continuing Problems at Chittagong Anchorage

The Club continues to see claims arising due to collisions between vessels underway and at anchor within the Chittagong anchorage area, with 50 such claims involving entered vessels recorded since 2013.

Members with vessels proceeding to Chittagong are therefore reminded of the guidance contained in the Club’s news article of 5th April 2013 Bangladesh – Anchoring off Chittagong Port and within Mr. Zalal Uddin Ahmed’s text Navigate Vessel Safely at the Chittagong Port (Bangladesh) Anchorage, and should advise their vessels to consider the advice contained in both articles prior to arrival off Chittagong port.

Members should also note that in the Club’s experience delays in discharge at Chittagong are commonplace. Vessels proceeding to the port can therefore reasonably expect to be exposed to the various hazards in the anchorage, including strong tidal streams, poor holding ground and congestion for a prolonged period.

Members should also consider the possibility of delays when negotiating charter party terms, and for any additional advice in this regard please contact the claims / FD&D teams.

Members requiring any other guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.