News 25 Nov, 2021

Case Study: Primary Delay Insurance for Collision

A Case study on Primary delay insurance by Nordic Marine Insurance.

A multipurpose cargo vessel was moored port side alongside her berth. The port itself had other jetty’s ahead and astern of the moored multipurpose cargo vessel. At the time the vessel was moored no other vessel was moored adjacent to the multipurpose vessel.

Cargo operations commenced smoothly. It was anticipated that the vessel would complete cargo operations the following morning. During that night, another vessel was making her way to the berth immediately astern of the multipurpose vessel.

Pilot was on board the inbound vessel. In-order to moor alongside the berth, astern of the multipurpose vessel, the inbound vessel was required to undertake a swinging around manoeuvre proceeding stern to the jetty. The width of this channel was limited with restricted distances between the inbound vessel and any moored vessels and quayside.

During this manoeuvre, the multipurpose cargo vessel was struck broad side by the inbound vessel. Needless to say, substantial damages were caused, and cargo operations were stopped. No injury of loss of life was reported.

The vessel was subsequently surveyed and taken to a repair facility with escort tugs in attendance. Considering the nature of the incident, it was reasonable to expect that the repair costs would be recoverable in a recourse action against the other vessel, but the alleged loss of earnings are more difficult.

Those losses were recovered under the delay insurance following presentation of the H&M insurers appointed surveyor.