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Showing 1-10 of 1088 results

CHIRP September 2022 (China) [PDF]

04 Nov, 2022

CHIRP September 2022 (Filipino) [PDF]

04 Nov, 2022

CHIRP September 2022 (Spanish) [PDF]

04 Nov, 2022

CHIRP September-2022 (English) [PDF]

04 Nov, 2022

Loss of Hire

28 Feb, 2023
Loss of Hire (LoH) insurance protects a Shipowner's income and cash flow if a casualty prevents the vessel from earning hire.

Simon Parrott, Chief Underwriting Officer to retire in summer 2025

25 Apr, 2024
After 40 years of service at the Club, Simon Parrott will step down from his position of Chief Underwriting Officer (CUO) in the summer of 2025.

MEPC-1 Circ-795 Rev-7 [PDF]

11 Jul, 2023

China - Guangxi MSA Announces New Shipping Routes for the Beibu Gulf

03 Apr, 2023
Guangxi MSA, the Maritime Safety Administration of Guangxi Province in China, has recently announced the implementation of the planned optimisation and adjustment to the shipping routes along the coast...

China - Shandong MSA Revises Rules for the VTMS for Rizhao and Lanshan Ports

26 Apr, 2023
Shandong MSA has published the revised rules for supervising and administering the Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) at Rizhao Port and Lanshan Port in China. The new rules aim to strengthen vessel...

West visit Anglo-Eastern Ship Management

03 Nov, 2023
The Club was delighted to support our Member Anglo-Eastern Ship Management recently with the provision of training on P&I Clubs at their dedicated Maritime Training Centre in Mumbai.