Notices to Members

No. 11 - Exchange Of Information Between Master And Pilot (MPX)

December 1998

Dear Sirs


The International Group of P&I Associations in conjunction with Intertanko, Bimco, the International Maritime Pilots Association, the International Chamber of Shipping, ISMA and others, has been involved in an Inter-Industry Group under the aegis of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of IMO which has been considering the exchange of information between Master and Pilot.

The purpose of the exchange is to ensure that both the boarding Pilot and the vessel’s bridge team exchange basic information prior to the Pilot boarding the vessel. The International Chamber of Shipping Bridge Procedures Guide (3rd edition, part A, section 2.6.2) suggests that information exchange be initiated by the ship approximately 24 hours before the Pilot’s ETA to allow sufficient time for detailed planning to take place both on the ship and ashore.

Two MPX forms have been developed by the above organisations and are attached herewith. The Ship to Shore form is designed to provide the Pilot with practical information about the vessel, its status and performance, and its pertinent equipment. The Shore to Ship form provides the ship with information about the intended pilotage passage. The forms are not intended to diminish the obligations of the Master and Pilot to exchange information following the actual boarding of the Pilot.

The forms have been submitted to the MSC of IMO who have formally taken note of the recommendation that they be used on a voluntary basis.

Members are recommended to use the forms and to report to the Association any cases where Pilotage Authorities decline to co-operate.

Yours faithfully

The West of England Ship Owners
Insurance Services Limited

(As Managers)

MWH Williams