News 05 Dec, 2014

Singapore - Enhancements to Navigational Safety

Translations: Chinese Chinese Vietnamese Vietnamese 

Club correspondents Spica Services have advised that the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) in Singapore has established a number of working groups with the aim of improving navigational safety in the port, addressing issues including harbour craft, passenger vessels and navigation.

The first of what are expected to be a number of measures involves the establishment of an additional pilot boarding ground near the busy Eastern Fairway (Pilot Eastern Boarding Ground C) which will be used by all vessels arriving from the East, and the relocation of the existing Pilot Eastern Boarding Ground B which will be used by all vessels arriving from the West.

In addition, a scheduling system will be established for vessels arriving at these pilot boarding grounds so that only one vessel arrives at a time at intervals of 15 minutes. The MPA will also be recommending that vessels proceeding to either of these pilot boarding grounds maintain a minimum distance of 1 nautical mile from the vessel ahead, adopt a safe speed in accordance with Rule 6 of the Collision Regulations, and when crossing a traffic lane do so in accordance with the requirements of Rule 10 of the Collision Regulations. A further recommendation is that vessels display details of their designated pilot boarding ground to others via their Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Full details of the measures, which take effect from 0001 hours on 1 January 2015, can be found in MPA Port Marine Circular No.15 of 2014. Notices to Mariners are due to be promulgated in due course.

Members requiring additional guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.